Hello lovely vendors, hope you had a fab week. Today, I’m going to delve into Social Media as a topic. Its amazing that even in 2015, when I speak to some wedding vendors, they say ‘I’m not on Instagram, I’m really not into social media‘… Say What 😐
I saw the picture above online recently and I couldn’t help but share it… It essentially captures the typical bride in 2015… Very social media savvy… She doesn’t just have accounts on all the top social media pages, she also knows how each platform works. If your client knows this much about social media and spends most of their time on it, you’d agree with me that you should spend sometime trying to understand it too.
There are so many social media platforms out there so I agree it can get overwhelming at times. However, each platform is unique and should be well understood. So in a nutshell, here are some of the most popular social media platforms out there at the moment.
Its impossible to write about every single platform in one post so over the next few weeks, I’d be taking on some of these social media platforms and writing about why your business needs to have a presence on each platform.
Today, I’m just going to write out 5 reasons why every business, particularly those in the wedding industry, needs to take social media accounts.
- Whether you accept it or not, digital is the future. Facebook has 1.44 billion monthly active users (March, 2015), Twitter has over 302 million active users (May, 2015), and Instagram has over 400 million active users. These figures will continue to increase; brands are already realising this and developing campaigns to target this increasing audience so make sure you don’t carry last
- Social media allows you make genuine connections and build real relationships with people. Gone are the days when there was a huge disconnect between brands and their clients. Clients want to interact with brands, they want to be a part of the brands’ journey and social media is the perfect way to do this. With social media, you can conduct market research, build products/services around the needs of your clients, seek and gain direct feedback, reward your clients for loyalty and so much more.
- Social media is relatively cheap and affordable when you consider how much it costs to have a marketing campaign that involves mainstream channels such as TV, radio, prints, billboards.
- Social media helps you cut out the middle man, which means you save a lot of time and money thus allowing you invest your resources in other areas. For example, with social media you can conduct market research yourself about your logo and test it out to see what clients think before you roll it out to the general public.
- Social media is instant. With a lot of mainstram media, you have to plan ahead and give a lot of notice before your marketing campaign goes out. With social media, you can pretty much start a campaign in seconds and react to trends instantly, which help deliver better results.
There are many other benefits but as you know I wouldn’t want to bore you so if you’re interested in learning more about what social media can do for you or your business, speak to us. We’d love to help you – book a marketing consultation session with one of our marketing experts by sending a mail to info@loveweddingsng.com and we’d get back in touch with you.
Till the next post.
Picture Credits: Wedding Industry Rescue & Jennifer Weems Photography appropriately.